
%matplotlib inline
import numpy
from ecell4 import *
util.decorator.ENABLE_RATELAW = True

Rössler attractor

a, b, c = 0.2, 0.2, 5.7

with reaction_rules():
    ~x > x | (-y - z)
    ~y > y | (x + a * y)
    ~z > z | (b + z * (x - c))
run_simulation(numpy.linspace(0, 200, 4001), y0={'x': 1.0}, return_type='nyaplot',
               opt_args={'x': 'x', 'y': ('y', 'z'), 'to_png': True})

Modified Chua chaotic attractor

alpha, beta = 10.82, 14.286
a, b, d = 1.3, 0.1, 0.2

with reaction_rules():
    h = -b * sin(numpy.pi * x / (2 * a) + d)
    ~x > x | (alpha * (y - h))
    ~y > y | (x - y + z)
    ~z > z | (-beta * y)
run_simulation(numpy.linspace(0, 250, 5001),
               y0={'x': 0, 'y': 0.49899, 'z': 0.2}, return_type='nyaplot',
               opt_args={'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'to_png': True})

Lorenz system

p, r, b = 10, 28, 8.0 / 3

with reaction_rules():
    ~x > x | (-p * x + p * y)
    ~y > y | (-x * z + r * x - y)
    ~z > z | (x * y - b * z)
run_simulation(numpy.linspace(0, 25, 2501),
               y0={'x': 10, 'y': 1, 'z': 1}, return_type='nyaplot',
               opt_args={'x': 'x', 'y': ('y', 'z'), 'to_png': True})

Tamari attractor

a = 1.013
b = -0.021
c = 0.019
d = 0.96
e = 0
f = 0.01
g = 1
u = 0.05
i = 0.05

with reaction_rules():
    ~x > x | ((x - a * y) * cos(z) - b * y * sin(z))
    ~y > y | ((x + c * y) * sin(z) + d * y * cos(z))
    ~z > z | (e + f * z + g * a * atan((1 - u) / (1 - i) * x * y))
run_simulation(numpy.linspace(0, 800, 8001),
               y0={'x': 0.9, 'y': 1, 'z': 1}, return_type='nyaplot',
               opt_args={'x': 'x', 'y': ('y', 'z'), 'to_png': True})

Moore-Spiegel attractor

T, R = 6, 20
with reaction_rules():
    ~x > x | y
    ~y > y | z
    ~z > z | (-z - (T - R + R * x * x) * y - T * x)
run_simulation(numpy.linspace(0, 100, 5001),
               y0={'x': 1, 'y': 0, 'z': 0}, return_type='nyaplot',
               opt_args={'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'to_png': True})